The Endoscope is a device which is used to view or examine the internal organs of the human body, there are so many internal organs are there, here we listed out the most important endoscopic device used in the hospitals
Angioscope - To view the internal Blood vessels
Arthroscope - To view the joints
Bronchoscope - To view the air pathways (Trachea)
Colonoscope-Proctoscope - To view the large intestine parts like Colon, Rectum, and Anus
Cystoscope-Hysteroscope - To view the internal Urinary tract
Duodenoscope - To view the uodenum region(Near stoamch)
Encephaloscope - To view the Brain region during cranial surgery
Esophagogastro-duodenoscope - To view the food pipe to duodenum
Gastroscope - To view the Gastrointestinal Tract (Oesophagus, Stomach, and Duodenum)
Laparoscope-Amioscope - To View the internal organs in the abdominal region
Laryngoscope-Esophagoscope - To view the Larynx of the throat
Mediastinoscope - To view the mediastinum region(Between the lungs there is a space where human hearing is situated called MEDIASTINUM)
Nephroscope - To view the renal parts, especially during the removal of stones
Rhinoscope - To view the nasal cavity(Nose)
Thoracoscope - To view the thoracic regions, especially to examine the pleural cavity and also the thoracic cavity.
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