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Writer's pictureAtheena Pandian

CE Marking on Medical Equipment - Dr S. ATHEENA MILAGI PANDIAN

Greetings of the day

This article is all about the CE matkings in almost all the Medical Equipment, here we will know about, some basics of 'CE Marking'

CE stands for the French acronym "Conformité Européenne" and it's a regulatory marking symbolising that the products sold in the European market meets the health, safety and environmental requirements as desired by the European Union.

CE marking documents that the medical device complies with applicable EU legislation.

The purpose of the CE marking is to be able to freely market medical devices in the EU (European Union) , provided that the devices meet any national requirements (such as registration and language requirements).

CE stand for equipment

The letters 'CE' appear on many products that are traded on the single market in the European Economic Area (EEA) .

The CE marking is required for many products. It: shows that the manufacturer has checked that these products meet EU safety, health or environmental requirements.

CE code

CE marking indicates that a product has been assessed by the manufacturer and deemed to meet EU safety, health and environmental protection requirements.

It is required for products manufactured anywhere in the world that are then marketed in the EU.

The CE marked products are allowed to sell in India, but they need to comply with the local standard like BIS ( Bureau of Indian Standards) & ISI. (International Service Learning)

Thank You

With Best Regards


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